Round Hill Nursery School
Round Hill Nursery School was founded in 1946 to provide a quality learning experience for three and four-year-old children. In 1984, recognizing and responding to the changing needs of families in Greenwich and the surrounding communities, the "First Step" program was established. This program provides for the social and emotional development of two-year-olds.
Today, Round Hill Nursery School boasts a superior early learning experience for nearly 100 children from Greenwich and neighboring communities. The Upper School division of Round Hill Nursery School, for children ages three through five, is housed in the education wing of the beautiful and historic First Church of Round Hill. Four bright and spacious classrooms, a multi-purpose library room used for indoor activities, as well as a new and modern outdoor playground area provide ample opportunities for our Upper Schoolers to begin exploring the world about them.
We are fortunate in that members of our parish are given special consideration in the application process for the Round Hill Nursery. To learn more about Round Hill Nursery, more >