The First Church of Round Hill traces its roots back to the famous Methodist Circuit Riders who established a regular preaching circuit, including Round Hill, over two hundred years ago. For decades, a series of "Circuit Riders" were able to minister to people from New Rochelle eastward to New Haven. In the saddle by dawn each day, the Circuit Rider would conduct services in private homes, open fields and eventually in small sanctuaries like First Church. In 1810, the congregation of Round Hill was established. Plans for building a church on land located on the southwest corner of John Street at Round Hill started in 1826. The original frame building was formally dedicated on November 2, 1828. In 1871, the church was moved across the street to its present site and a Narthex and steeple were added.
At the time this part of Greenwich was mainly farmland, which primarily produced potatoes and fruit, particularly apples. Around 1907 the character of the community slowly changed from a farming community into a summer residences area for city families. In the process membership dwindled and the doors of the First Church of Round Hill were temporarily closed. In 1912 the Huyler family moved to Round Hill and Mrs. Huyler's interest in the closed church led to the reopening of the church. Reverend HaroldWilson, whose full-time service to the church began in 1919, noted that the church had a complete rebirth and "While not actually severing its connection with the Methodist Episcopal denomination, the church became a Community Church in name and fact, both in the inclusiveness of its spirit and membership and the program it attempted to carry on in the community". This program has been enjoyed ever since by those of all faiths. While drawing all of its ministers from the Methodist denomination, it is open to all who would join with us in a pilgrimage of faith and service in Christ's name.
The time-worn church building was restored and beautified in 1929 from designs given by architect and church member, Mr.William Dominick. The work included a transformed steeple, box pews with cushions, electrified candles and an oil burner. In 1947, the church was lighted at night and a large parking lot was built. The church was lighted at night so that it might stand out even more clearly as a haven of quiet refuge for the troubled and the guardian of all that is good. In 1961, the brick Sunday school wing was added.
The simple New England Meeting House lines are a source of comfort to many in times of stress and grief. Architecturally, the building is a classic period piece. The plain white clapboard exterior is a picture post card rendering of the Puritan influence upon the Anglican Church in North America. A high center pulpit and open Bible is the focus of all eyes. Box stall pews with red velvet cushions highlight the pale blue ceiling and white walls. A simple communion table is set off from the Nave by a curved wooden communion rail. Oversized windows of plain glass allow the full play of sunlight upon the interior. A choir loft in the rear houses the superb Aeolian Skinner pipe organ.
On the church's 160th birthday in 1988, the State of Connecticut and the town of Greenwich officially designated this area the John Street - Round Hill Historic District. This historical landmark status encompasses The First Church of Round Hill, the Brown-Kenworthy House, the former Round Hill School House, the Round Hill Cemetery and the Kiosk at the intersection of Round Hill Road and John Street. Next to the church is the parsonage, named the Brown-Kenworthy house, built circa 1728. The parsonage was generously purchased for the Church in 1976 by parishioner, Gordon Reed, in memory of his first wife, Naomi Bradley Reed.